Welcome to
Pt Elliot Physio
Put Some PEP In Your Step
About Us
Located in exciting new premises in historic Port Elliot on the Fleurieu Peninsula, Pt Elliot Physio has been providing quality care to patients of the local area since 2011.
We aim to provide a high level of patient care in a friendly, professional environment. Our staff are skilled to assess, treat and manage a wide variety of conditions including back and neck pain, headaches, arthritic conditions, post-operative rehabilitation, work place injuries, sport injuries, adolescent sporting injuries, dizziness and vestibular disorders, falls and balance issues and many more!
Pt Elliot Physio has a dedicated home visit service for in-home physiotherapy.
We also offer pilates based exercises - both individual and group-based - and have an on-site podiatrist and massage therapist.
Initial Consultation
30 minute assessment for new clients or clients returning after longer than 3 months
Subsequent Consultation
30 minute appointment for management of an ongoing condition within 3 months of last appointment
For extended physiotherapy consults, home visits, exercise class bookings, after hours appointments and for all bookings with a massage therapist or podiatrist please contact the clinic directly so our friendly staff can assist you.
Services we offer and conditions treated include:
Neck and back pain
Post-Operative Rehabilitation
Vestibular Rehabilitation
Workplace injuries
Falls prevention
Sporting Injuries
Women's Health
Dry Needling
Pilates based exercise classes
Arthritis management including the GLA:D Australia® Program

Contact Us
22-24 Tottenham Court Rd, Port Elliot SA 5212, Australia
Ph (08) 8554 2530
Fax (08) 8554 2531
Opening Hours
Here When You Need Us
Monday - Friday
9:00am - 6:00pm